Boise Newborn Photographer: Information About Your Session

Why choose Stokes Photography as your newborn photographer in Boise, ID?
As a professional newborn photographer in Boise, ID and the surrounding areas, I am skilled in specific newborn photography techniques. I have had extensive training on newborn safety. Babies are fragile little humans that require the utmost attention to care and safety. I am fully trained and experienced in handling your sweet newborn with care and safety. Whoever you choose to be your photographer, please ensure that they are fully trained in newborn safety before booking!A newborn portrait session is so special. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Your beautiful baby is only this little once. This is a great time to get those sleepy, posed, adorable portraits that you will cherish forever. Check out my portfolio of my favorite newborn portraits! I will work my hardest to get you the best quality images to display in your home.
Stokes Photography Studio Details
I specialize in fine art photography and create beautiful, peaceful images of your bundle of joy to cherish for generations. I have a carefully curated line of gorgeous products to display your new baby and family in your home or office.My home-based photo studio is in Boise. It is a comfortable setting with amazing seating. We have wi-fi and a seriously comfy couch that you can nap in (several parents have snoozed during the session, we know those first few days can be tiring).
Props! So many props! I have a variety of backdrops available and wraps in many different colors and textures. I also have a large selection of gorgeous little headbands, little stuffed animals with matching hats, bonnets, newsboys outfits, and much, much more. As a newborn photographer, I adore shopping for cute little props to add to portraits sessions. Additionally, we carefully wash and sanitize every prop that is used. We use a gentle, baby-skin friendly detergent, like Dreft to wash blankets, wraps, outfits, etc.
The studio will be WARM! The heater will be cranked up and I will also use a space heater if needed. Please dress in layers so you won't get too uncomfortable. The warm environment helps to keep baby warm and sleepy.
In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session
These are a favorite! So convenient. I will come to you with professional lighting and all my gear and some props. If your home would make a good backdrop, this is an option parents love. We can do pictures in the nursery or master bedroom, or even outside, if weather permits.This is a great way to document those early days in your home when your baby first made his or her appearance. It's easy to get pets involved in a lifestyle session as well.
Booking your newborn portrait session
The ideal time for a newborn portrait session is 4-11 days after birth. The reason is because baby girl or baby boy can usually fall into a deep sleep that allows us to pose baby in those adorable sleepy poses during the photo session. If mama had a C-section, it's totally fine to wait closer to the 11 day mark. The sleepy poses are not always guaranteed, of course, but we have many tricks to get baby snoozing.It's best to contact us in your second or third trimester so we can pencil in your due date. Due dates are just a best guess of when baby arrives, so we want to make sure that we are available in that general time frame. Once you go to the hospital and have baby and have a minute to breathe, it's ideal if you can text or call me to let me know baby has arrived so we can schedule your session in the upcoming days.
The Boise Newborn Photography Session - What to Expect
Here are some tips for your newborn photography session to help things go smoothly at Stokes Photography in Boise, ID.3 Must-Haves to bring to your session:
- pacifier (if you use one)
- any outfits you wish to incorporate (this is not necessary, we have tons of wraps, hats, etc., but if you have a cute outfit you want to include, please bring it along!)
- family memorabilia you want to use in the portraits (this is also not necessary, but maybe you have a stuffed teddy bear that was handed down, or a quilt that was lovingly stitched by a family member that you want to include)
Contact Us Today
Fill out our contact form and we will get back to you right away! You can also text us at 208-703-6455 or call us at that number as well. You can also email us at